Straightforward fees given at the outset with no hidden charges

Our fees are very competitive and we can ensure that all work is carried out to a proper and exacting standard. The minimum fee for a single transaction charged is £80. With regards to more complex transactions, we typically charge an hourly rate of £230. All fees are given at the outset and are fixed and final. We offer 15 minuets free consultation to every client.
Terms of Business
Fees are assessed mainly by reference to the time spent on the matter, on the basis of an hourly charging rate. Details of the hourly rates applicable to any particular matter are available on request. Rates are reviewed from time to time.
In accordance with Notarial practice guidelines, (which stipulate that fees should be fair and reasonable having regard to all the circumstances of the case), our fees may also include an additional element reflecting other factors including value, importance, speed, complexity or special skills. If instructions are terminated for any reason, a charge will be made for all work carried out to date. Separate charges are made for any disbursements or expenses incurred on your behalf. You may be asked to provide monies on account. Costs include preparatory and drafting work, correspondence and attendances. Our practice is not registered for Value Added Tax and expenses and disbursements will be charged gross.
It is difficult to estimate in some cases how much time will be required to complete a matter, bearing in mind the variety of circumstances that may arise. However, guidance as to likely costs will be given on receipt of instructions and sight of documents. Any estimates given will be based on the information available at the time and, although given in good faith, will not be binding.
Invoices must be settled within 7 days or, if requested, immediately if further work on the same matter is required. Any queries concerning an invoice should be raised immediately upon receipt.
In the event of payment not being made as requested, we reserve the right to decline to act any further on your behalf and/or to exercise a lien on any papers or documents which are in my possession, until payment has been made.
Interest is chargeable from the date of the invoice on invoices outstanding for more than 7 days at 4% per annum above Barclay's base rate from time to time in force.
Money Laundering Compliance:
We operate a money laundering reporting procedure as required by law whereby, in the event of any suspicion as to money laundering, information will be revealed to the appropriate authorities.
You may be required to provide satisfactory proof of identity and full details of the source and proposed destination of funds.